Thursday, July 30, 2009

For no apparent reason....My 10 favorite videogames of all time!!!!

1. Street Fighter 2-arcade

Hadoken!!!....enough said.

2. Metal Gear Solid-ps1

"what was that noise?" If you played this game you know what it was. The first game to feel like a movie while playing it. So awesome.

3. Killer instinct-arcade

35 hit ultra combos, secret characters at an arcade and mind blowing graphics (at the time). Take it from this 2 time (yes twice) Valley Fair Mall (Utah) Killer Instict champion, this game was something special.

4. Soul Caliber-dreamcast
The first game to possibly be just as fun to watch as play, and holy shit was it fun to play.

5. Halo-Xbox

Superhuman cyborg hero-check. Unending wave of enemies-check. symphony music with gregorian chants-check. Just goddamn fun to play-check,check,check.

6. Final Fantasy 3-snes
This game was just unbelievable when released, tons of characters you actually liked, great story, brilliiant music and a treasure trove of gameplay. The finest RPG ever made.

7. Ninja Gaiden Black-xbox

Ninjas fighting demons, dragons,other ninjas, robots and just about everything else cool. What the fuck else is there to say.

8.God of War-ps2
Take this fine journey through greek mythology, and kill everything you come across. Kratos is one of the baddest ass characters ever. Maybe the best boss battles in any game ever, and theres an interactive (off screen) sex scene, what more can you want?

9. Castlevania: symphony of the night-ps1
Basically take Super metroid and just cut and paste castlevania over it. Amazingly deep game, hand drawn animations, brilliant music and character design. One of the bosses is a giant ball of corpses you fight ontop of another pile of corpses, while he hurls corpses at you. How had noone thought to do that before?

10. Zelda 64-N64
The best pure "young village boy must find the sacred sword and save the world from the darkness" game ever created. No blood or gore, no serious overtones and dark charcter revalations. Just an amazing video game and story.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1st blog post....

Terminator Salvation.............................Biggest crap sandwich since Alien Vs. Predator.